It is surprising that even though HIV/AIDS happens to be one of the most alarming causes for untimely death, only a select few are appropriately enlightened about it. To begin with, HIV (the abbreviated version of human immunodeficiency virus) is the infection or the virus, to say it more correctly, that is regarded as the root cause or the source of the fatal life-taking disease called the
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, popularly known as AIDS. In fact, the people between 25 to 45 years of age are the ones who are most susceptible to the HIV virus attack, which targets the immune structure and finally destroys it, thereby causing AIDS. To put it simply, AIDS is the ultimate phase of the HIV virus.
What are the Symptoms of HIV?
One must be very careful because the initial symptoms of HIV are almost similar to those of regular cold and flu. They could even resemble the symptoms of infections like hepatitis or may be some of the diseases transmitted through sexual contact. What is more, the symptoms of HIV may be pronounced in some and dormant in others. Whatever may be the case, the most common symptoms of HIV are fever and tiredness. Headache, skin irritations and rashes, throat pain as well as bloated lymph nodes are also considered to be some of the regular HIV symptoms.
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